You are here: Welcome To Micronet > Using Micronet Advantage Suite > Common Procedures > Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports > Printing Inquiries and Reports
Printing Inquiries and Reports

If you haven’t printed an inquiry or report before, you might want to preview it before printing. You can also print an inquiry or report without previewing it.

Previewing an Inquiry or Report Before Printing

To preview then print an inquiry or report:

  1. Select the Print Preview option on the Select Output Device screen then select Accept.

Micronet displays the Font screen.

  1. Select the fonts and sizes you want to use for your inquiry or report printout then select OK.

Micronet displays your inquiry as a report ready for printing.

  1. If required, change the page setup and print setup using the Page Setup and Print Setup buttons at the top of the print preview screen.

  1. When you are happy with the look of your printout, select the Print button on the print preview screen.

Micronet displays the Print screen.

  1. Select the printer you want to print to then select the Print button to print your report.

Micronet redisplays the print preview screen.

  1. Select the Close button on the print preview screen.

Micronet redisplays your original screen.


Printing an Inquiry or Report Without Previewing

If you have printed an inquiry or report before and you are happy with the print setup, you can print without previewing.

  1. Select the Printer option on the Select Output Device screen then select Accept.

Micronet displays the Select Printer screen.

  1. Select the printer you want to print to, along with the printer options, then select Accept.

Micronet prints your inquiry or report and redisplays your original screen.